Fall has turned to winter and Design39Campus has officially been open to students for four months in 2014. As we move into 2015, we can see where the new school is at after the first half of the year.
Comments I hear about the school: When you go on a tour, parents are amazed at how attentive the students are to what is going on in the classroom. Much higher than at a traditional school.
My analysis: they really take their time. They do not want to do everything at once for the sake of getting it done. Incredible thought goes into each and every element of this school:
- The choices the students get and variety of mims, explorations, and deep dives is unbelievable
- Group work and presenting is the norm; these kids won’t know any different
- Focus on the positive instead of what’s wrong: safe school ambassadors, refocusing, growth guide
- Childrens opinions really valued, they are trusted. Kindergartenders allowed to walk to the bathroom themselves.
2014 Media about Design39